Customize Booking Form Appearance

Add color and style to your Time Slot WordPress booking form and set form messages or time before booking


Set the text and background colors for normal and hover. Adjust the font size, family, and weight.

Customize the colors, fonts and borders of the Time Slot booking form buttons


Set the text and background colors. Adjust the font size, family, and weight, along with the border width, style, color, and radius.

Customize the colors, fonts and borders of the Time Slot booking form input fields


Set the color and the font size, family, and weight.

Customize the color and font of the Time Slot booking form labels


Set the input field placeholder color.

Customize the color of the Time Slot booking form placeholder text

Accent Colors

Set the accent colors use for for elements like the select and date picker fields.

Customize the accent colors of the Time Slot booking form

Appointment Summary

Set the color and font styles for the headers and text of the appointment summary.

Success Message

Set the color and font styles for the successful booking message.

Additional Form Settings

In the Time Slot General Settings, you can find more options to customize the booking form.

Set the minimum time before booking an appointment, and custom messages for the Time Slot booking form

Time Before Booking

Set a minimum time in hours that customers can book before an appointment to avoid last minute bookings. This will automatically hide upcoming time slots on the booking form within this time period.

Form Messages

Set the Summary Message to add a custom message that will display with the appointment details summary on the Time Slot booking form. Add a custom Success Message that will appear after a successful payment or form submission.