Set up Google Calendar 2-Way SyncPro

Add, update and delete appointments in your Google Calendar or WordPress dashboard and Time Slot Pro will automatically sync your schedule

Configure APIs

Navigate to the Google Developers Console at Create a new project from the Select a project dropdown in the top bar or the Create Project link on the right.

Create a Google Project

Name Your Project

Give your project a name, and choose a location if applicable. Click the Create button.

New Google project

Enable the Calendar API

Select Library from the left sidebar menu, then search for and click on the Google Calendar API.

Google API library

Click on the blue Enable button.

Enable Google Calendar API

Create Credentials

From within the Google Calendar API section or by choosing Credentials from the left sidebar menu, select Create Credentials. Choose Web Application from the Application Type dropdown and name your client.

Create OAuth Client ID for Google Calendar API

Set Authorized Origin

Enter your website URL into the Authorized JavaScript Origins text box. Include the https:// prefix.

Google API authorized JavaScript origins

Copy Redirect

Click the Redirect URI text field on the Time Slot calendar page to copy the address.

Time Slot booking plugin Google Calendar settings

Add Redirect to Google

Paste the copied text into the Authorized Redirect URIs text field in the Google Console. Click the blue save button.

Google Calendar API authorized redirect URIs

Copy OAuth credentials

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and paste them into the corresponding text fields in the Time Slot Google Calendar settings.

Google API OAuth client created

Copy Calendar ID

If you’d like to use a specific calendar, other than the primary calendar in your Google account, navigate to Click the gear icon in the top bar, and choose settings from the drop down. In the left sidebar, find Settings for My Calendars and select the calendar you’d like to use. In the Integrate Calendar section, copy the Calendar ID. Paste the ID into the corresponding text field in the Time Slot Google Calendar settings.

Google calendar ID

Authorize Google API

Once you’ve pasted the Client ID and Client Secret in the Time Slot settings, click the Save Changes button. Click the Authorize Google Account button that appears. Follow any prompts from Google. You will be redirected back to this settings page.

Time Slot booking plugin Authorize Google Account button

You’re done!

Test out your new Google Calendar API integration by making a new appointment with the Time Slot booking form, on the appointments page of the Time Slot settings, or in your Google Calendar.

Sync Your Google Calendar

Add, update and delete appointments in your Google Calendar or your WordPress dashboard and Time Slot Pro will automatically sync your schedule for you.