Translate Time Slot

Advanced guide on translating the Time Slot WordPress booking plugin into your language using Poedit and FTP

Available Time Slot Translations

Currently, Time Slot is fully translated into English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German and Italian. These Time Slot translations are ready for you to use and can be loaded quickly and easily. After Time Slot is installed and activated, go to Dashboard > Updates in the WordPress sidebar menu. Click the Update translations button, if available. Now Time Slot will be automatically translated into your site language.

Update WordPress translations for your site language


If you’d like to contribute to the Time Slot translations on WordPress, follow the Translate WordPress guide to add to the community. To add a translation for your specific project, follow the guide below.

Start with Poedit

Navigate to to download the editor. In your website files, find the Time Slot .pot file, normally located at wp-content/plugins/timeslot/languages/timeslot.pot. Open the file with Poedit, and click the Create New Translation button at the bottom to generate the .po and .mo files.

Create translation in Poedit

Choose Your Language

Select your chosen language and locale from the drop down, and click the OK button.

Choose language in Poedit

Add Translations

Select a line of Source Text. In the Translation section at the bottom of the window, enter the text in your target language. Repeat this step for all of the lines that you would like to translate. You do not need to translate every line, if you would only like to translate the text on the front end booking form, for example.

Poedit translate dashboard

Save Translations

Click the Save button at the top of the editor. This will save your .po file and generate a corresponding .mo file. Name your files timeslot-[language]_[locale].extension. For example, for general Spanish the .po file would be named timeslot-es_ES.po. For Mexican Spanish, the .mo file would be named

Move these files to the Time Slot plugin languages directory at wp-content/plugins/timeslot/languages.

Test Translations

To test your translations, navigate to the WordPress General Settings page from the left sidebar menu in the WP admin panel at Settings > General. Change the Site Language setting to your target language, and click the Save Changes button.

WordPress site language in general settings

View Your Translation

Refresh your page to see the translated text.

Example of Time Slot booking form in English
Example of translated Time Slot booking form in Spanish

Translate with WPML

Start booking your WordPress appointments in multiple languages. View the guide to start translating Time Slot with WPML.